About Us


In Adhestibas we have over 15 years of experience in the field of industrial adhesives. We are a 100% Mexican company specialized in anti slip adhesives.


Provide stability to the loads of our customers, generating significant savings and helping to the environment by reducing or eliminating residuals.


Be the most recognized brand in the load stabilizers market in Mexico.

Pallet Stabilization Adhesives


Hot Melt (3)

In tertiary packaging industry various accessories and hot melt anti slip adhesives have been used to provide pallet stabilization, which have increased the costs and the negative impact on the environment.

1. Hot application
2. High electricity costs
3. High cost of equipment
4. High maintenance costs
5. High refurbishment costs
6. It is not biodegradable


Equipo (2)


In Adhestibas we have developed a pallet stabilization adhesives which functions as an anti slip adhesives, being much more economical and eco friendly solution.


1. Considerable savings in packaging costs

2. Increased stability of the pallets

3. Reduction of logistics and transport costs

4.  Waste Reduction



Pallet Stabilizing Adhesive «Sensitive»


Pallet Stabilizing Adhesive

«Of Anchoring»

It works as a non-slip adhesive since it generates a coefficient of friction between plastic substrates such as bags, trays and heat shrinkable; It can also be applied to cardboard boxes and sliding sheets.

This pallet stabilizing adhesive is known as of anchorage since once is applied to substrates of paper, cardboard, slip sheets, is anchored to provide stability to the pallets.


Our pallet stabilization cold adhesives versus traditional accessories

  • Savings up to 80% in packing

  • Reduction of  logistic and transport costs

  • Increase stability in pallets

  • Used alone or in combination with other accessories

  • They are biodegradable

Traditional accessories: poly stretch film, corners, separators, pads, tapes, etc.


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¿Tiene problemas con los requisitos de estabilidad de pallets o estibas de la LCBO?

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Contact in México
Av Jalisco 5, Adolfo Lopez Mateos los Olivos, Cd López Mateos, Atizapán, México.

Representation Office in USA
4950 Woodstone, Dr San Antonio, TX 78230. Tel: +1 210-810-7746


Tel: +52 (55) 8628-6261
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